The Used recording for New Moon Soundtrack
The New Moon Soundtrack is going to be amazing!! I have to say that although i absolutely love the Twilight Soundtrack, i think that the New Moon Soundtrack is going to be better, if that's even possible. Chris Weitz certainly knows what he is doing. At the moment, the artists which are going to be on the Soundtrack are Thom Yorke from Radiohead, Muse, Band of Skulls, Bon Iver and now The Used tweeted that they are in the studio recording a song for "twilight 2" as they have called New Moon.
Many artist have been dying to be on the New Moon Soundtrack from Madonna, to The Jonas Brother to Demi Lovato. Justin Guarini released an independent song titled "I Can't Live" which he wrote about New Moon. He uploaded it to YouTube so that he could hopefully get the fans approval, before going to Summit Entertainment with the track.
Some artists are still in deliberation about whether their songs will be featured on the Soundtrack. Kelly Clarkson is a massive Twilight fan, according to her, she is a "nerd Twilight fan". She wrote a song for New Moon with her backup singers, even before Summit was looking for artists, because she just loves the saga so much. Also, Coldplay have been in talks to be included on the soundtrack as well. On their websites FAQ's, they have put up that they will be "very likely" be on the New Moon Soundtrack. Chris Weitz is also trying to get Kings of Leon to be included too.
Chris Weitz, in my opinion, is fabulous. He is doing everything right so far; the Soundtrack isn't any exception either. All of these musicians are going to just make New Moon that much nicer than it already appears to be. I couldn't be happier about the choices that we are hearing about, and I'm glad that he is the director, despite the fact i was hesitant about his ability when it was first announced.
Personally, the New Moon Soundtrack is going to be amazing, because so many talented artists are expressing interest in allowing Summit to use their music in the film. The Used,Coldplay and Kings of Leon are three of my favourite bands, and it's great to know that they will probably be on the Soundtrack. I cant wait to see what they will bring to New Moon, as it's release date draws closer. Slowly.